Uffe Leth;
LETH & GORI; Danska, www.lethgori.dk

Uffe Leth je arhitekt in ustanovni partner biroja Leth & Gori. Ima magisterij z arhitekturne šole v Aarhusu. Preden je s Kar- stenom Gorijem ustanovil Leth & Gori, je delal v birojih Ateliers Jean Nouvel in Gottlieb Paludan Architects. Poučuje na šoli za arhitekturo Kraljeve akademije v Kopenhagnu. Leta 2012 je prejel triletno štipendijo Danskega sveta za umetnost in leta 2017 nagrado fundacije Nykredit za trajnostni razvoj. Je izvolje- ni član predstavniškega odbora Danskega združenja arhitek- tov in član Danske kraljeve akademije za likovne umetnosti.

Leth & Gori je danski arhitekturni biro s sedežem v Kopenhagnu. Zavezan je k projektiranju edinstvenih lokacijsko specifičnih ar- hitekturnih projektov. Ukvarja se z adaptacijami, sanacijami, mo- difikacijami in transformacijami tako novejših objektov kot tudi objektov kulturne dediščine. Ustvarja arhitekturno dolgožive pro- jekte, ki jih odlikujejo preprostost, prilagodljivost in izraziti detajli. Leth & Gori deluje v prostoru, ki je kombinacija pisarne in galerije. Sprednji del pisarne z izložbenimi okni, ki gledajo na cesto, redno gosti dogodke in razstave arhitektov, umetnikov, oblikovalcev in kuratorjev.


LETH & GORI’s Brick House is a project that creates innovation by reinventing history. By revisiting materials and solutions from historic houses which have proven to be robust and have a long life span a new type of contemporary sustainable house is created.
Brick House is part of a development project titled Mini-CO2 houses initiated by the philanthropic foundation Realdania. The goal of Realdania’s project is to develop affordable sustainable houses with a low CO2 footprint. A total of six houses have been built on a site in Nyborg Denmark. Each house with a different approach to how CO2 reduction can be achieved for example by focusing on materials and building techniques or by focusing on aiding the inhabitants to reduce CO2.

A [long] living house
Brick House has two main objectives; to create a house which is maintenance free for 50 years; and to create a house with a life span of minimum 150 years.

Reducing complexity
Brick House is based on a vision of a house that is alive and can breathe. This vision is realised by reducing the wall construction of the house to one material; clay. By using clay blocks and bricks a solid and homogeneous and first of all simple outer wall is created. This outer wall is diffusion-open thus allowing the building to breathe just like the traditional solid brick houses that have proven to last. In addition, the reduction to one wall material reduces the number of joints between different materials and the potential building mistakes that these joints traditionally causes.
The solid brick walls result in a robust and healthy house with a long lifespan, good indoor climate and low maintenance.

Revisiting history
Brick House rediscovers knowledge and techniques from traditional brick houses in Denmark. Especially the houses from the era of the National Association for Better Building Traditions [Bedre Byggeskik] from the beginning of the 20’est century has served as examples. As the name suggests these houses have a strong focus on creating buildings that are built well with good technical solutions, craftsmanship and materials. Brick House uses the same principles to build a contemporary home with a long life span thus adapting the best of historic buildings but at the same time integrating new knowledge and techniques. The result is a house that radiates qualities of architecture and craftsmanship.

Location: Steensager 4, Nyborg, Denmark
Competition start: April 2013
Completion: November 2013 – Official inauguration June 2014
Area: 136 m2
Photos: Stamers Kontor

Project team:
Architects: LETH & GORI; Uffe Leth & Karsten Gori
Engineer: Buro Happold ApS
Consultants: Teknologisk Institut, Nini Leimand; KADK – Institut ,Muro
Main contractor: Ebbe Bernth Murer og Tømrer
Bricklayer: Murermester Ask Askholm
Carpenter: Ole Larsen & Sønner v. Anders Larsen ApS

Activity Centre and Men’s Shed for the Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health

The Elephant House is a project that transforms an existing Chapel building, from the 1880s, into an Activity Centre and Men’s Shed affiliated with Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health. The centre offers different rehabilitation programs that will make use of the new spaces for fitness and training, mindfulness, yoga, discussion groups, events and more. The centre inhabits an adjacent building from 2009 by Nord Architects Copenhagen, and the Elephant House will function as an annex for the centre.

LETH & GORI’s transformation of the former chapel called the Elephant House, seeks a new spatial design that carefully embraces the cancer patients with daylight, warmth, authentic materials and details – in celebration of the craftsmanship and original qualities of the historic building.
The project appreciates and cares for the existing qualities of the historic building and the marks that have been left over time. The simple and authentic timber structures, terrazzo floors and chalkstone block walls. The materials and colour schemes stem from a careful reading and translation of the historic building, for example the decorated wood ceilings. New double steel glass doors and a large steel window painted in Copenhagen green allows light to fill the spaces. Blue solid doors, black handles, dark red furniture elements in MDF, stainless steel kitchens and red lacquered radiators links the new spaces to history and time.

Resilient architecture
LETH & GORI strongly believe that beautiful buildings are sustainable buildings.
The buildings that speak to us as human beings also call for us to take care of them resulting in buildings with a longer lifespan. We believe in the value of a thoughtful and careful transformation of the existing buildings. Straightforward and robust solutions, which are beautiful for many years to come.

Strategic partnership
The project is the first built result of the new strategic partnership between Copenhagen Municipality (Byggeri København) and DSP PLUS with contractor JAKON. LETH & GORI has led the entire design team as total consultants and architects.
The quality of the project is a direct result of an inclusive dialogue with the future users, staff and directors of the centre, based on trust, curiosity and strong commitment by all the involved parties.
Collaborators are Anders Christensen Engineering (constructions) and JL Engineering (installations

About Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health
Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health offers a service for persons affected by cancer, including cancer patients and relatives. The Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health opened in the spring of 2007 in Nørrebro, Copenhagen. The Elephant House opened in November 2017 as a new multipurpose activity centre and Men’s Shed.

Client: Copenhagen Municipality [Byggeri København] User: Copenhagen Centre for Cancer and Health [Center for Kræft og Sundhed København] Type: Transformation project
Programme: Activity Centre, Training Halls, dressing rooms, Men’s Shed, Workshop and meeting spaces.
Area: 445 m2
Architects: LETH & GORI
Collaborators: Anders Christensen Engineering (structural) and JL Engineering (installations)
Contractor: Jakon
Status: Inaugurated 1st of November 2017
Photos: Stamers Kontor