Kata Marunica in Nenad Ravnić
Kata Marunica
Born in 1982. in Zagreb. Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb in 2006. The same year begins her practice as an architect. In 2007 she involves in PhD programme “Arhitektura” at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb. Soon after, in 2008, she is a founding partner of the architectural studio NFO in Zagreb with her colleague Nenad Ravnić. From 2008 she is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb. From 2010 she is a head of Zagreb Society of Architects Youth Section where she deals with projects of significance for the architectural practice that involve young architects and students. She participates in many architectural competitions where she receives several awards.
Nenad Ravnić
Born in 1979 in Rijeka. Graduated at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb in 2005. In the period from 2003-2008 works in several architectural offices as an architect and project leader. In 2008 he is a founding partner of the architectural studio NFO in Zagreb with his colleague Kata Marunica. From 2009 he is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zagreb. From the year 2003 he participates in over 30 public competitions where he wins many awards, among which 6 first prizes, actively exhibits his work and takes part as a juror in several architectural competitions.
In the year 2008 we felt the critical mass of energy, will and frustration to start our own business. We wanted to take charge of our design process and test our abilities in business even though we had no commissions guaranteed. We managed to survive by designing pig farms, industrial buildings and illegal construction legalizations. In the meantime we do architectural competitions.