Boštjan Vuga, kurator nagrade:
¨Kaj narediš, če misliš, da obstajajo tudi alternativne oblike poučevanja in prakticiranja arhitekture kot jo ponuja tako državna fakulteta kot obstoječa zasebna šola? Začneš s svojo poletno arhitektruno šolo, ki privabi študente arhitekture iz celega sveta, mednarodne tutorje in predavatelje? Najdeš zanimivo mesto, poiščeš nenavadno stavbo, kjer se bo ta šola/delavnica odvijala in opredeliš časovni termin, ki ne bo v navzkrižju ostalim akademskim aktivnostim. Kaj narediš, če vidiš, da so okrog tebe stavbe visoke arhitekturne in prostorske kvalitete, ki so zapuščene in propadajo ter si mnenja, da bi se tvoje okolje prav s takimi stavbami lahko predstavilo mednarodin javnosti? Predstaviš te stavbe na pomembnem mednarodnem dogodku? Ker si arhitekt v praksu te zanima, kakšen je najbolj učunkovit pristop, kaj moraš vse narediti, da bo ena izmed stavb tudi zaživela. Ustvariš proces, ki bo to najbolj učinkovito omogočil. Kaj narediš, da bi državo, iz katere izhajaš, v kateri živiš, postavil na arhitekturni zemljevid sveta? Predvsem verjameš, da je to mogoče ter imaš vizijo, da Črna gora postane znana ne samo po svojih naravnih lepotah in starih mestih, temveč tudi po modernistični arhitkturi in diskurzu o sodobnih temah v arhitekturi. Dijana Vučinić je ustanovila in vodi poletno arhitekturno šolo v Kotorju in Tivtu, bila je komisarka za predstavitev Črne gore na arhikteturnem bienalu v Benetkah, deluje, da bo arhitekturna produkcija in kultura postala razpoznavni znak in identiteta Črne gore. Ker me zanima, kje so še skriti arhitektrni potenciali Črne gore, kakšne so možnosti povezovanja in nadgradnje arhitekturne kulture, kam naj bo usmerjena arhitekturna produkcija tega dela Evrope, predlagam Dijano Vučinić za arhitekturnega vizionarja 2019.¨
Dijana Vučinić, Founder and Program director DVARP / APSS
is a practicing architect, founder and leader of an interdisciplinary architectural practice DVARP. Her work is based on research on post-transitional city and interactive contemporary city ambience as well as urban and rural conditions in the developing touristic areas on Montenegrin coast and in the mountains. She is also founder and Program Director of APSS Institute that has started as Kotor APSS – Architectural Prison Summer School established in Kotor, Montenegro. APSS is a platform for education and research and it has been gathering architects and students from all over the world for seven years now. Vučinić has participated in Chicago Architectural Biennial with the re-use project for Dom Revolucije in Nikšić, Montenegro. She was a commissioner for Project Solana – Montenegro pavilion at XV Venice Architecture Biennale 2016 and co-curator and co-author of the exhibition Treasures in disguise – Montenegro Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia 2014. For two years (2015-2017) Dijana Vučinić has been the Head of the Department for Development Projects in Urbanism and Architecture in the Government of Montenegro.
Pogovor z Dijano:
Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? Who are you? What is your most noticeable feature?
I am a mom of two amazing daughters Doris and Emili. It is hanging out with them that helps me put things (back) into the right perspective. When at home in Montenegro, I split my time between work at my practice, DVARP and our family winery, Mola, time with my children and family, and an occasional wine or gin tonic with friends. Skadar lake is my true home and I spend many weekends there. I am very passionate about architecture, art, design, cities, and food.
Vinska klet Mola, Rogami, Črna gora, 2016; Dijana Vucinic; fotografija Luka Bošković
If you could get rid of one weakness of yours, what would it be?
Too often I focus on the things I cannot change or even have enough influence on. I also make my schedule too busy very often.
Recently I have read a piece on something called “deep work” – it is about focusing on only one thing at a time, no phone, no notifications – that would be great!
Lago di Monte eko rezort, Durmitor, Montenegro 2017; Dijana Vucinic
Where is your life headed? What are you aims in life?
I dream of building a house. Seeing my children happy and successful one day is extremely important. Doing something meaningful for a society I live in – this is what I want to achieve with my work. It is a value that my children should cherish as well. I want my designs not only to serve, but also to improve the life of those whom they are intended for. I believe architecture and design should make life better, especially in the Balkans. This year we celebrate 100 years of Bauhaus – great occasion to remind ourselves of how design should improve our life.
Rekonstrukcija Doma revolucije; Sadar+Vuga, HHF, Dijana Vučinić, original stavbo projektiral Marko Mušić
Are you a rational or emotional decision maker?
Both. I honestly think the best decisions are made with emotions even though we are constantly reminded we should stay rational. I know some of these decisions turn out wrong in many ways, but I am OK about learning from my mistakes.
Kotor APSS 2017, Kotor, Montenegro work Broken light by APSS students Sonja Jankov, Đina Prnjat, Nemanja Mitrović, Janž Omerzu, fotogrfija: Luka Bošković
What do you think about first impressions? Do they really count? Are they accurate? What are the things that make a good impression on you?
I believe first impressions may be wrong, but first impressions stay with me even though I sometimes try to avoid them. I can tell when someone I meet for the first time will for sure stay my friend. I cannot tell you what exactly defines this specific impression, but I could say that all of them are very easy-going, no matter what they do or how important they feel, they are open, straightforward, no biases!
APSS 2018 luka Črna gora, Tivat; Fotografija: Luka Bošković
What do you appreciate most about your friends?
Their time. The ability to stay silent together, to enjoy guilty pleasures, and the talent of being critical but not judgmental.
What motivates you and what limits your creative production?
Success motivates me, not big success but small daily victories. I really appreciate good exchange of thoughts and ideas with my friends, people I work with, or my family. That really makes me hype… I am also very motivated by a good team work, I like good atmosphere within the working environment, and I must say that the opposite of that limits my creative production.
Kotor APSS 2014, zapori, Staro mesto Kotor, fotografija: Ivan Čojbašić
Is there another talent you would like to possess?
One of my daughters is very talented for music, the other one is a natural born comedian, and I would very much like both of those talents.
Something on your bucket list:
I have mentioned a house… I would like to write more, go on a long tour around South America and Midwest in North America with my children. I would like to sail more and be consistent with my yoga.
Kotor APSS 2014; zdaj že uničen Hotel Fjord in Kotor, fotografija: Ivan Čojbašić
What is your worst fear?
An earthquake.
What is the last book you have read?
Women and Power by Mary Beard. Patriarchy is deeply embedded in the collective history of our civilization.
What is one guilty pleasure of yours you enjoy too much to give up?
Staying up late and watching tv series. Currently I am watching the Russian doll – I love the story and the idea behind it, very good actors and great soundtrack.
Simpozij Poročanje iz Črne gore, projekt črnogorskega paviljona Solana na bienalu v Benetkah, 2016; fotografija: Luka Bošković
What is your favourite routine? Do you drink coffee? What kind?
Weekends by Skadar lake are absolutely my favourite routine! I also love my morning yoga, I have just recently started that and I feel like a different person each time I complete my session (small daily victories). I drink a lot of Lavazza and I love it. I do not care about healthy/unhealthy issues when it comes to my espresso.
And what is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Clean my face, lay down next to my kids for a while, they are too big for bedtime stories, but we do have bedtime talks now.
Zakladi pod krinko, maketa Hotela Fjord (arhitekt Zlatko Ugljen); Paviljon Črne gore na Beneškem bienalu 2014; fotografija: Patricia Prinejad
Are you always put together or do you get to indulge yourself at home with some ‘no one can see me like this’ outfits? What is your favourite piece of clothing? What are you wearing at home?
I love “no one can see me like this outfits”! it is usually pyjamas and sweats and that is what I wear at home. I love my shoes, many favourites there.
Which, in your opinion, is the worst fad in architecture / design recently and why do you think so?
Design pretending to be cheap, industrial or sustainable – there has been a lot of that lately. Architecture statements are absolutely overrated. Design and architecture should provide solid answers to the issues within the society they exist in. There should always be a substantial answer to the question of “Why this design?” I like reminding my team of that.
KotorAPSS, 2016; Simpozij RE-USE-ISM, photo by Luka Boskovic
What is something you know most about?
I guess I know a lot about art.
Kotor APSS 2017, Kotor, črnogorsko delo Agora by APSS students Georgios Grigoriadis, Vasilis Aloutsanidis, Dimitrios Chatzinikolis, fotografija: Luka Bošković
Do you ever feel held back as a woman in architecture profession?
Do I think that female architects should be put forward and more visible while treated equally? Yes! Do I want my work to be seen and rated as a work of a female architect? Absolutely not. The point is equality, not putting someone in a niche. Each person makes his or her own path. I never wait for work to happen or come to me. I seize it. I did that when I first started DVARP and APSS, and I continue doing that. Is this what the world would expect from a female architect to do? I don’t know, you tell me!
Vila in Dobrota, Kotor, Montenegro 2018-2019; Dijana Vucinic
When you get upset, do you like attention or do you need space?
I like to be on my own. I try not to involve other people… I must admit that when it comes to work
I can sometimes be quite temperamental…
Do you have a personal motto?
The Award is granted by Zavod Big to those individuals who enrich and inspire the world of creativity, tend to move forward by pushing the architecture and design boundaries, and help to encourage the creative environment in the region of South-Eastern Europe. Their activities represent a significant contribution to the role of architecture and design in the region, and due to their efforts the South-East European architecture and design has been put on the map of the greatest architecture and design achievements. We are all overwhelmed with emotion and deeply touched by these visionary leaders’ creative work which ignites our passions and steers us in the right direction to bring out the best in us.
Interviewer: Danaja Jovandič